Kindergym, Beginners/PreTeam
Open to Newman students only
Newman After 3 gymnastic program is open to Isidore Newman students only. To register you must use Isidore Newman website, please click here to open Newman website then click on Register Now! to login and signup for the After 3 Gymnastic program. Once signed up we will receive a roster with your child name and we will pickup your child on Mondays and Tuesdays and walk them to the gym. Remember student spaces are limited for each class so register early.
Newman After 3 gymnastic program is open to Isidore Newman students only. To register you must use Isidore Newman website, please click here to open Newman website then click on Register Now! to login and signup for the After 3 Gymnastic program. Once signed up we will receive a roster with your child name and we will pickup your child on Mondays or Tuesdays and walk them to the gym. Remember student spaces are limited for each class and classes are sold out fast so register early.
PreK and K students are to wear their Newman shorts and shirts only. It is our policy not to dress this group into leotards, because it takes away too much time from their gymnastic class and many uniforms get lost.
1st - 4th graders may wear a leotard.
Ponytails must be worn on gymnastics days to avoid injuries and promote safety.
Rainbow ribbons are given at the end of the semester for skills achieved. This is an excellent motivational tool that helps a child set goals and provides parent feedback.
Mini-Meets are held at the end of each semester at NOLA Gymnastics 1725 Dufossat St. The girls will compete against Sacred Heart, McGehee and NOLA Gymnastics.
Students that compete may purchase a Leotard by filling out our Leotard Order Form. You may also purchase a leotard by visiting our Pro Shop during regular business hours.
Entry form will be sent out before the Mini-Meet or you can print a registration form from this website and mail it to us.
Pre-K and K students enjoy tumbling, beam, bars, wedges, octagon, parachute, rhythmic ribbons, obstacle course, music and fun all done on pre-school equipment. This class includes a hot shot group for kids showing potential for future Team.
We encorage all Kinder Gym students to compete in the Mini-Meets at the end of each semester.
1st thru 5th graders enjoy fitness, tumbling, beam, bars, obstacle course, music and fun. We teach USA Gymnastics curriculum. All students may compete on the Newman Gymnastic Team.
Mini-Meets are held twice a year at NOLA Gymnastics 1725 Dufossat Street. Students will compete against Sacred Heart, McGehee and NOLA Gymnastics.