Academy of the Sacred Heart
Aftercare Program

Open to Sacred Heart students only

Gymnastics Classes
will not be available this semester

We are Open at our main facility!

NOLA Gymnastics has opened Kindergym/Beginner classes to accomodate students at our main gymnastic facility on 1725 Dufossat St.

Students may attend classes on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturdays at our main gymnastics facility.

Class Registration Information

New Sacred Heart students will have more success getting their first-class choice if they register early. Some classes are more popular than others and fill up rapidly.

Our Parent Portal allows you to set up your account, complete an enrollment form, view classes, request enrollment, and pay online. Just click the Parent Portal link. From there you may create an account and log in to complete a registration form and request a class enrollment.

If you already receive emails from us, that means you have a registered account. Click “Parent Portal / Log In” and “Forgot Password” OR if you are not currently in our system, just click on “Register”. Follow the steps and the program will walk you through the process.